How To Better Organize Your Self-Storage Unit

Are you and your spouse looking for a way to better manage the space in your home? Learn tips for how a storage unit could help solve your problems.

How To Better Organize Your Self-Storage Unit

31 December 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Whether you are just getting ready to pack things into your self-storage unit for the first time or you want to reorganize your existing unit, you might want to take a look at all of the following tips. This way, you will be able to organize your things in the self-storage unit in the best possible manner.

Organize With Color

You will be able to find the things you need to pull out of your self-storage unit when you keep everything together according to the rooms that they belong in or the type of category that they fall into. Then, you will want to store them in the same color of plastic bins with lids. For example, you can place all of your holiday decorations in red plastic bins. All of your tools or gardening supplies can go into black plastic bins. Your kitchen supplies can go in yellow plastic bins. Whatever colors you use, you will want to create a cheat sheet that you can tape the side wall of your self-storage unit. This way, you will never have to worry about whether you are going to remember which color is holding the stuff you are trying to find.

Bring In A Free Standing Shelving Unit

Self-storage units are completely bare when you get one. However, you can bring in your own free standing shelving unit. You might want to avoid using any plastic or wood shelving units, no matter how sturdy they seem. Wood shelves can easily rot or develop mold if there is a build up of humidity in your storage unit. Plastic shelving units can warp, bend, or break because of the extreme temperature shifts in the storage unit and the weight of the items that you store on the shelves. The best option would be a metal shelving unit.

Pack Some Items Away In Drawers And Appliances

By packing some items away into any dressers or appliances that you are also storing in the unit, you will accomplish two things. You will end up with extra space since your appliances already occupy a certain amount of space and you are just making better use of it. You will also find that the things you store in your drawers and appliances will be better protected than they would if they were simply packed in a regular box. You will not have to worry about anything falling and breaking your fragile items.

As you can see, there are some good ways to make sure that your self-storage unit is nicely organized. For more information, check out websites like

About Me
using storage to improve a relationship

My husband has a hobby of buying old dirt bikes and ATVs and ripping them down to nothing to repair them. This little hobby of his took over our garage, our basement and started into my kitchen. I gave him two options — find a place to put his stuff or find a new place to live. He got a little creative and rented a storage unit close to our house. It is amazing how much stuff he moved from our property to the storage unit and it has helped us get along much better. If your spouse is taking over your home, read through this blog to get an idea about using storage to get it out.