Need To Rent A Storage Unit? 3 Ways To Exercise Eco-Friendliness

Are you and your spouse looking for a way to better manage the space in your home? Learn tips for how a storage unit could help solve your problems.

Need To Rent A Storage Unit? 3 Ways To Exercise Eco-Friendliness

28 May 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Being eco-friendly is only becoming easier with hybrid and electric cars, green housing features, reusable bags, and plenty of recycled items to choose from over their brand-new counterparts. But, there are still limitations, and injecting eco-friendliness into every aspect of your life is not always going to be easy. If you need to rent a storage unit, you may think that you have to bypass your green efforts, but you can follow a few tips to make sure your entire experience is as eco-friendly as possible.

Find Second-Hand Boxes

The first thing that you will want to do is look for second-hand boxes to use for storing items. Going out and purchasing plastic bins or brand-new moving boxes is unnecessary. It is easy to get items nearby when you call up grocery stores, liquor stores, and local businesses that ship in new products on a regular basis. If you want to make it easy to organize the storage unit, you should consider asking for boxes of the same size. On the off chance that you do not have any luck with these methods, you can always ask family, friends, or even your neighbors if they have any extra boxes or plastic bins lying around.

Be Careful Regarding Climate Control

While you may be perfectly fine with paying a decent price to get high-quality storage, it's the eco-friendliest to skip climate control because it demands extra power consumption that you can go without—as long as you prepare accordingly. This means that you need to be a little more cautious with how you go about storing items since not every item can handle long-term storage without protection from humidity, especially things in cardboard boxes.

If you intend on storing sensitive items, such as paperwork and photos, you'll need to opt for a storage unit with climate control and simply look for eco-friendly features in other ways.

Get Free Pallets

In a storage unit, you will find it beneficial to keep your furniture and items off the ground. Using shelving units is certainly an option, but an alternative is to place pallet racks throughout your storage unit. It is not as easy to find pallets as it is to find boxes, but asking around at small, local businesses such as hardware, motorcycle, or garden stores should provide you with some level of success.

To finish it off, you should look for storage facilities nearby to minimize the distance you need to drive. By using these ideas for getting and using a storage unit, you can feel good about your eco-friendly efforts. For more information on storage facilities in your area, check with companies like Glenbrook Self Storage.

About Me
using storage to improve a relationship

My husband has a hobby of buying old dirt bikes and ATVs and ripping them down to nothing to repair them. This little hobby of his took over our garage, our basement and started into my kitchen. I gave him two options — find a place to put his stuff or find a new place to live. He got a little creative and rented a storage unit close to our house. It is amazing how much stuff he moved from our property to the storage unit and it has helped us get along much better. If your spouse is taking over your home, read through this blog to get an idea about using storage to get it out.