Need To Transfer Your Home Dance Studio Into Storage? 3 Tips For Keeping Everything Protected

Are you and your spouse looking for a way to better manage the space in your home? Learn tips for how a storage unit could help solve your problems.

Need To Transfer Your Home Dance Studio Into Storage? 3 Tips For Keeping Everything Protected

6 July 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Having a garage gives you the freedom to choose what you want to do with the space. The typical use is for storage, projects, and parking vehicles. But, you may have turned yours into a dance studio. It is a useful space for professional dancers or those looking to make it a full-time gig in the future. However, things can change and you may need to use the space for another purpose. If you know that you want to recreate the dance studio in the future, you should put everything in self storage until you are ready.


One of the essential components to a dance studio is a collection of large mirrors. You need to see yourself perform dance moves to know whether you are doing them correctly. After you take them down from the walls, the last thing you want to do is just throw them into storage in their current state. It is important to treat each mirror like delicate artwork, which needs to be wrapped before they are ready for storage. This involves using foam board to separate each mirror piece and to protect all of the corners.


To replicate a professional dance studio, you should have marley flooring. It is made from vinyl and is considered one of the best floors that you can get your hands on for dancing. Since vinyl is the main part, you can follow advice on maintaining vinyl flooring or furniture to get it ready for storage. The top concerns are prolonged exposure to the sun and long-term water exposure, both of which are avoidable. Any storage unit will keep the flooring from being in the sun, but water is a different story. It is best to choose an indoor climate-controlled unit that is not susceptible to outside elements. Another option is to use wooden pallets to create a bottom layer that protects your items from moisture that seeps through.


No dance studio is complete without a barre. If you have a freestanding barre made of aluminum, you should know what to do when putting it into storage to keep it from taking any damage. It is true that aluminum is not going to rust on you, but this does not change the fact that it can still corrode. You want to minimize the chance of dirt and moisture exposure, so it is ideal to keep the barre off the ground. Also, before putting it in storage, you should cover it with a light cloth to avoid dirt and dust buildup.

Whether it is a matter of months or years until you get to create your dance studio again, you should follow the necessary steps to ensure everything stays protected for a long time.

About Me
using storage to improve a relationship

My husband has a hobby of buying old dirt bikes and ATVs and ripping them down to nothing to repair them. This little hobby of his took over our garage, our basement and started into my kitchen. I gave him two options — find a place to put his stuff or find a new place to live. He got a little creative and rented a storage unit close to our house. It is amazing how much stuff he moved from our property to the storage unit and it has helped us get along much better. If your spouse is taking over your home, read through this blog to get an idea about using storage to get it out.